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Friday, July 31, 2009

Staying Healthy During Flu Season

OK, I definitely don't want to start a debate about the flu vaccine (I have my opinions), but I wanted to share with you some tips that are a MUST in keeping healthy this flu season.

These all come from Dr. Mercola's article "Do Drug Companies Secretly Favor a World Flu Pandemic?" (Again, not opening up a debate.) I subscribe to his newsletter and have found lots and lots of usual information for taking charge of my family's health.

Dr. Mercola sells many safe, healthy products on his site although I find the articles most interesting. I do own his cookware, though, and have purchased some of the products he sells at different sources for much cheaper.

Anyway, these tips are simple to do but very important in making sure you are building up your immune system.

"Take care of your health to reduce or eliminate your risk of contracting the flu. The key is to keep your immune system strong by following these guidelines:


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