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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

10 Ways to Slash your Family's Spending

It seems like these days we are all in the same boat... Looking for all those extra corners where we can scrimp and save.

My husband and I recently analyzed our monthly incoming/outgoing expenses and, immediately, decided that there had to be a firm game plan. We aren't living way beyond our means - very modestly actually. But, in order to get ourselves into a more 'comfortable' (less stressful) situation, we decided to look into corners that we had previously thought were worthless.

Now that we're off on a good start, I'd thought I would share our plan of action...
  1. Save Money at the Grocery Store - This one has been a no-brainer for us. Groceries suck up a huge part of our monthly budget, at least they used to. Since I've committed to being an avid couponer, I have saved a TON of money. If you don't already use coupons, read up: Couponing 101, Creating a Coupon Stash, Getting Coupons, Debunking Couponing Myths, and Saving the Most & Getting Items for Free. Another thing that helps reduce our grocery budget: We only eat meat products (chicken or fish) a couple of times a week. Beans, lentils, quinoa, eggs, and greens are excellent sources of cheap proteins! Try replacing a few of your meals with vegetarian choices.
  2. Plan Ahead - You'd be surprised by how much money you can save at the grocery store just by bringing a list (and sticking to it). Mapping out your weekly meals gives you a chance to go through your cupboards to use up what's in there and to jot down items you'll need for the week. Look over your local grocery ads to spot the best deals and make dinners around what you can get for cheap that week. Being thrifty doesn't mean you need to eat poorly. Check out a few of our Weekly Menus and grab some new dinner ideas HERE. You can also get Menu-Planning savvy by following a few pointers HERE.
  3. Entertain the Family for Free - My husband and I just went to the movies and I about passed out when we heard how much it costs! Over $18 just to see a movie?? Luckily, we had a gift card. How about $125 a month to enroll our daughter in Ballet? (No thanks, I'll spend $20 for two months of lessons and take her to the community center.) We are constantly on-the-go and looking for fun ways to unite as a family. Being as frugal as we are, we don't like to overspend in this area, especially when we can do so many fun things for FREE! Scout out these cool sites to find something thrifty and fun to do with your family this weekend or check out some of my favorite fun, cheapies to do with my family.
  4. Look for Hidden Waste - There are so many things that could fall into the "hidden waste" category. We found TONS of hidden waste upon deep scrutiny in our outgoing expenses. We found a cheaper cell. phone plan, canceled part of our cable, downgraded our phone and Internet, switched to VoIP, replaced light bulbs with CFLs, and reprogrammed our thermostat. We also shopped around for cheaper auto and life insurance. We even cut out Starbucks! With our little changes we are going to be saving a little over $1,200 every year! Check out White Fence to compare and shop for home services!
  5. Gather 'Round the Family Table - Eating out is fun but can be very expensive. Lately, the extent of our "dining out" consists of hitting Rubio's once a month for their Tues. $1 fish tacos. Other than that, unless we have a coupon for BIGIF, we have become very happy with eating at home. Challenge yourself to dine-in more often and you'll soon see all the savings. If you can't resist, consider reading my tips for Dining out on a Dime and signing up for your favorite restaurant's newsletters to receive coupons.
  6. Seek FREEBIES - FREEBIES are good for so many reasons: They're good in a pinch when you run out of something, great for house guests, they give you a chance to try new things, most come with coupons, and (best of all) they're FREE! You might be less likely to impulse buy when you have so many samplings at home.
  7. Do It Yourself - Consider doing a few chores yourself to save money. Drop the housekeeper, landscaper, pet groomer, and nail tech -- not only will you save money, but you will get a workout. Visit FitDay to see how many calories you'll burn! (Better to burn calories than money!) Need something fixed around the house? Figure it out yourself... try FixYa.com for tips and instructions on how to fix almost anything.
  8. Go Green and Save Green - You'll save money and create a healthier environment when you switch to these homemade cleaning products. (I swear by vinegar!) Here are some more tips for going green to save some green.
  9. Shop Secondhand - I've given up trying to keep up with the latest Gymboree trends. It's hard to believe people actually pay $40 for a pair of baby jeans. It's great to have places like Kid-to-Kid (local) and MyKidsCloset (online) to buy gently used, trendy fashions for my little weed. They'll even pay you money for your kids' outgrown clothes. For household items, check out Freecycle or Craigslist for cheap finds.
  10. Create a Budget and Stick to It - This one took a little getting used to. I decide to look at it as a challenge. I now give myself $100 (in cash) every week to spend on groceries, household items, gifts, gas, Dr., misc. Usually, I have plenty of money left over to stash away for Christmas or to carry over for next week. If I spend less in one category, I'll challenge myself to spend even less the next month.

To get you started, here are some handy resources:

* Monthly Spending Worksheet

* Dave Ramsey's Real Debt Help

* Monthly Budget Worksheet


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